RELY-PHOTONICS is a research team of Academics, Post-docs and Students working at the University of Genova and headed from Prof. Davide Comoretto. The group has a long history of research in the design and fabrication of functional solution-processed photonic crystals and spectroscopy. The main topics are related to emission control, sensing, thermal shielding, design and fabrication of metamaterials and light harvesting enhancement for photovoltaics and photocatalysis.
20/02/2025 - The project LOOP- Fluoride Recovery from Persistent Fluoroalkyl Pollutants with Tandem Solar Paints - coordinated by Paola Lova was funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research under FIS 2 Program.
14/02/2025 - Congratulations to Daniela di Fonzo for the best poster prize at the University of Genoa PhD Day 2025!
09-13/09/2024 - Rely-Photonics @ EOS Annual Meeting (EOSAM) 2024 (Link)
08-12/09/2024 - Rely-Photonics @ XXV AIM National Conference in Naples! (Link)
12-13/06/2024 - Rely-Photonics @ MACROGIOVANI 2024 in Rimini! (Link)
16/10/2023 - The project WATERONICS - Water remediation based on nanostructured photonic materials (PI Dr. Lova) was funded under PRIN 2022.
03/04/2023 - Congratulations to Dr Andrea Escher for defending his PhD Thesis on polymer Photonics for smart packaging!
21/03/2023 - Congratulations to Fabiano Martorelli for his Graduation in Industrial Chemistry!
16/02/2023 Congratulations to Andrea Lanfranchi for the best poster prize at the University of Genoa PhD Day 2023!
10-15/09/2023 RelyPhotonics @ the 14th International Conference Conference on Optical Probes of Organic and Hybrid Semiconductors (OP2023). Congratulations to Martina Martusciello for the best poster prize!
21-23/06/2023 Stefano Zago , Andrea Escher, Andrea Lanfranchi and Martina Martusciello attended Macrogiovani 2023 in Catania. Congratulations to Andrea Escher for the best oral presentation award!
28/05-1/06/2023 - Congratulations to Martina Martusciello for her the third place of best oral presentation award at Scuola di Chimica Industriale organized by Divisione di Chimica Industriale della Società Chimica Italiana.
23/03/2023 – Congratulations to Heba Megahd for defending her PhD Thesis on New Polymer and Composite Structures for Photonics!
15/02/2023 - Congratulations to Andrea Lanfranchi for the Best poster award at the Phd Day (Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica industriale, Università di Genova)
31/01-02/02/2023 - PETALS winter school in Claviere! Heba Meghad, Andrea Escher, Andrea Lanfranchi and Martina Martusciello presented their PhD projects during evening flash talks!
16/12/2022 - Congratulations to Laura Magnasco for her Graduation in Chemical Sciences!
15/12/2022 - Congratulations to Margherita Peragallo for her Graduation in Material Science and Engineering!
25/03/2022 - Congratulations to Martina Martusciello for her Graduation cum Laude in Industrial Chemistry!
24/03/2022 - Congratulations to Fabiano Martorelli for his graduation in Chemistry and Chemical Technologies!
16/12/2021 - Rely-Photonics @ Automazione Plus (link)
15/12/2021 - Congratulations to Lorenzo Friscione for his Graduation in Material Science and Engineering!
20/10/2021 - The project PETALS - Polymer metamaterials for nanophotonics - coordinated by Prof. Comoretto was funded under PRIN 2021. link
22-23/07/2021 - RELY-PHOTONICS @ MACROGIOVANI 2021 with 4 oral presentations by Martina Martusciello, Simone Bertucci, Andrea Lanfranchi, and Heba Megahd.
22/07/2021 - RELY-PHOTONICS @ META 2021 with 1 oral presentation by Heba Megahd.
06/07/2021 - RELY-PHOTONICS environmental sensors on the field at AMT bus depot of Genova Cornigliano.
12-13/04/2021 - RELY-PHOTONICS IS @ ACS SPRING MEETING 2021 with 4 oral presentations by Heba Megahd, Andrea Lanfranchi, Simone Bertucci, and Andrea Escher.
29/03/2021 - Congratulation to Andrea Lanfranchi for his Graduation in Material Science and Engineering!
26/03/2021 - Congratulation to Simone Bertucci for his Graduation in Industrial Chemistry!
04/03/2021 - The industrial project MERITI - Organic biodegradable materials for smart packaging was funded under the program POR FESR 2014-2020 - AXIS 1 - ACTION 1.2.4.